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About Divine Connection

Divine Connection was launched in July 2018 after a life changing message was preached that inspired me to step out of my comfort zone.


The message was, there are 4 types of people, which are you?


  1. Those who are WILLING but not able

  2. Those who are able but not WILLING

  3. Those who are neither WILLING nor able

  4. Those who are WILLING and able


I cannot recall the name of the missionary that spoke at my local church (Oneness Rehoboth Apostolic Church, Mt. Vernon, NY) but I can remember the impact that message had on me. You see it was for some time that I was being given the opportunity to be on the radio in my community and I ran from it. I felt unqualified (still am). I tried very hard to propose others for the task, but it just kept coming back around to me. So, finally I surrendered taking a leap of faith that this was God's doing. I had no clue what to expect, nor what exactly I’d be doing. Equipped with no experience this courageous producer Dexter Blake took a chance on me.


I was committed to carrying out God's plan although I had no idea what lay ahead.  I simply had a strong desire to reach out to everyone who would listen. So, despite numerous errors and mistakes, I persisted since there was always someone encouraging me and or listening to the featured guests. Regardless of the momentum growing or waning I kept on moving. The pandemic then struck, and with the aid of my super tech-savvy buddies, I began to broadcast using various new methods. I got a crash course in social media, and ran with it; eventually, Divine Connection has developed into what it is now. The evolution will continue as God wills it. It is truly remarkable to see how God will lead you in ways unknown to you at the time. Brothers and sisters there are some paths you must travel, because God has a specific plan just for you. I encourage you, please don’t detour, take the guided tour with God, let him lead you ALL the way. He does not only know the way. He IS the way.


Today Divine Connection is a platform for God's people to echo what is in heaven to earth. This journey is still progressing as Divine Connection is one of the many megaphones for the Kingdom of God. 

Mission Statement

The scope of God’s word in US as stated in Romans 12:2 “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” It is to enable His Kingdom to come in us so that His WILL is done in our lives. When God’s Kingdom comes within we are in His perfect will as found in Matt 6:19 “Thy Kingdom come thy will be done.”


This is our MISSION to fulfilling the great COMMISSION 

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